Sunday, September 6, 2015

Lost in Switzerland: a memoir

Les Pleiades

For those who travel abroad and do not get hopelessly lost every weekend, I give them props.
Yesterday, we decided to hop on a train before really understanding the train system.  We ended up traveling an hour & 40 minutes in the wrong direction, then just hopped off the train at the last stop, thinking we were at our location.  Soon enough, we realized something was very wrong.  But we looked into the distance & saw castles, so we decided to just walk towards them because why not?

Taking the main train line..We started in Geneve, then rather than going to "Les Pleiades" (right next to "Vevey"), we ended up in "Sion".. oops.

We found a breathtaking church and a hundred adorable little cafes and restaurants.  The town was calm, very different from fast-paced Geneva, but was quaint and adorable.

After aimlessly wandering searching for the castles, we neared the mountain & found our way.

We had the whole castle to ourselves. Adventuring on a mysterious mountain miles from anything we were even remotely familiar with.  The clouds were soft and the sky was blue.  The wind whipped our hair & we laughed hysterically at our whimsical adventure. We rounded the back of the mountain and found some tall grass in which we sat and listened to the wind.  We wondered how we got to this amazing place that was on no tourist site or information pamphlet we had ever seen knowing that had we not just hopped on a train, we would never have been experiencing this. Life has a funny way of working out. 

The next day, we did actually end up making it to Les Pleiades!! This is me, in all my ecstatic glory, thinking "I still have zero sense of direction"

If you are to get lost in any country, make it Switzerland.

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